Activities to Enjoy in Sydney After Weight Loss Surgery

The results from massive weight loss surgery are life-changing. Patients feel healthier, happier and many say they feel inspired to travel and spend more time outdoors. And in a beautiful city like Sydney, we don’t blame them! In this blog post, the Advanced Surgicare team reveals some of Sydney’s popular attractions and activities to explore following weight loss surgery.Read More

How Obesity Increases Cancer Risk

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, almost two in three (63 percent) of Australian adults are overweight or obese, while one in every four children (25 percent) are overweight or obese. These statistics are especially alarming because of the effect obesity has on other health conditions, including cancer. In fact, research has shown obesity may increase the risk for certain types of cancers. In this blog post, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas discusses the connection between obesity and cancer in detail.

Obesity and Cancer Risk

It remains unknown exactly how obesity increases the risk for certain cancers, but growing research has pointed to several possible factors.

Fat tissue produces excess amount of the female hormone estrogen. High levels of estrogen have been linked to breast and endometrial cancer. Obese people also tend to have increased levels of insulin, which may promote the development of certain tumors. Fat cells may also have an effect on other tumor growth regulators. Researchers have also found that fat cells produce certain hormones that may promote cell growth. Another possible factor is inflammation; people who are obese tend to have inflammation throughout their body, which has been associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Obesity is associated with increased risks of the following cancer types:

  • Esophagus
  • Pancreas
  • Colon and rectum
  • Breast
  • Kidney
  • Thyroid
  • Gallbladder

Weight Loss and Cancer Risk

Several studies have found that avoiding weight gain and losing weight can decrease the risk of developing certain cancers, including colon, breast and endometrial cancer. In fact, if every adult reduced his or her body mass index by 1 percent, 100,000 new cases of cancer could be prevented, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The best way to lose weight is by pairing a healthy diet with a regular exercise routine. Other healthy lifestyle habits such as not smoking and getting a good amount of sleep regularly have been found to be helpful in maintaining an ideal weight.

At Advanced Surgicare, we are committed to helping patients live happier, healthier lives. We understand that losing weight can be difficult for several reasons. Dr. V. Kuzinkovas and his medical team at Advanced Surgicare have performed bariatric surgery on countless men and women to help them achieve their weight loss goals. You may be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you:

  • Have a BMI of at least 40
  • Have a BMI of at least 30 to 35 and at least one serious co-morbid health condition
  • Are overweight by about 20 kilograms or more

To learn more about your massive weight loss surgery options, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Kuzinkovas. Please call 1 300 551 533 today.

Obese Women at Higher Risk of Developing Cancer

A recent study has just shed light on one of obesity’s most serious health effects. British researchers found that obese women are at far higher risk for cancer than women of healthy weight. This latest study adds to a growing body of research that links obesity to cancer and other serious diseases and conditions. Here, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare takes a look at the most recent findings.

What the Study Found

Researchers at Cancer Research UK found that obese women have a one in four risk of developing a weight-related cancer in their lifetime. The study also found obese women have a 40 percent higher risk for cancer than thinner women. Obese women are at higher risk for seven types of cancers, including:

  • Bowel
  • Gallbladder
  • Uterus
  • Kidney
  • Pancreas
  • Esophagus
  • Breast (post menopausal)

As of now, there is no one clear explanation for this increased risk, but researchers believe one possible reason may be because cancer is linked to a fat cell’s production of hormones, especially estrogen. Having excess fat can change the level of estrogen a woman’s body produces. The more estrogen produced, the higher the risk for certain cancers. Additionally, research has also found that too much fat around the stomach is linked to bowel, kidney, esophagus, pancreatic, breast and womb cancers.

Weight Loss Surgery Options

One way women suffering from obesity can lower their risk of cancer is by losing weight. Healthy lifestyle habits such as not smoking, exercising regularly and eating healthy can help maintain an ideal weight. However, losing a massive amount of weight can be difficult, especially for women. Hereditary disposition and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menopause can affect a woman’s ability to lose weight.

If you are overweight and are having a hard time losing weight, Advanced Surgicare can help. Dr. V. Kuzinkovas and the entire medical team at Advanced Surgicare have helped thousands of women reach their weight loss goals through bariatric surgeries including gastric bypass and laparoscopic weight loss surgery. Dr. Kuzinkovas can determine which best surgical procedure and/or weight loss treatment plan will help you live a happier, healthier life.

Learn more about the different bariatric surgery procedures we perform by scheduling a one-on-one consultation. Please call us today at 1 300 551 533.

Famous People that Have Had Bariatric Surgery

Dr. V. Kuzinkovas and the team at Advanced Surgicare believe that having weight loss surgery is a personal and private decision. No one else needs to be privy to the details of your weight loss journey (although the results will surely attract some glances!). It is your business alone.

Having said this, we appreciate when people in the public eye admit to and discuss their experiences with weight loss surgery. This helps to raise awareness of a wonderfully effective solution for people struggling with obesity.

Here are a few famous Australians that have talked openly about their experiences with obesity and bariatric surgery.

Songbird Sings a Sweeter Tune

Kate DeAraugo, the 2005 winner of “Australian Idol,” is 60kg (more than 130 pounds) slimmer, because of gastric sleeve. DeAraugo made the decision to have weight loss surgery when she realized she felt out of breath and tired performing simple tasks, like toweling off after a shower or walking around. She said that at her biggest, “there were days when I wouldn’t get into the shower because I didn’t want to look at myself.”

After weight loss surgery, DeAraugo is half her former size and appeared proudly on the cover of Woman’s Day magazine. She is currently working in radio and planning to release a new album for her fans.

Billionaire Makes an Investment in His Well-Being

Reportedly weighing close to 130 kilos at his heaviest, billionaire casino mogul James Packer is thinner, trimmer and healthier, thanks to undergoing gastric bypass surgery in 2011. After losing 35 kilos, Packer was able to start exercising regularly and playing with his three young children more easily. Although photos surfaced in 2014 of Packer on his yacht, appearing to have regained some of the weight, he was recently spotted in New York City looking trim (he flashed his flat belly to photographers coming out of a hotel).

Politician Works On His Own Health Campaign

A sweetly innocent encounter motivated politician Joe Hockey to explore his weight loss surgery options. According to a report he gave The Sunday Telegraph, Hockey’s six-year-old daughter was watching the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and asked her father whether he would be alive to see her own wedding. It was at that moment Hockey decided, “I want to be healthy. I want to be around to see my grandchildren. I want to be my very best.” Gastric sleeve surgery in 2012 helped Treasurer Hockey slim down.

Learn More about Weight Loss Surgery

Are you struggling with obesity and weight-related health conditions? If so, bariatric surgery can help you lose weight and improve your quality of life. For more information on gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and other surgical weight loss solutions, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

The Simple Thing You Can Do in the Morning to Help You Lose Weight

You are probably familiar with the expression, “rise and shine.” Now, scientific evidence is taking this expression to a new level by suggesting that morning sun exposure can help individuals lose weight. Let’s explore the study findings.

About the Study

In a study recently conducted by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the United States, researchers explored how getting morning sun exposure affects weight loss efforts. The findings from the study were published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS ONE.

Fifty-four study participants, at an average age of 30 years old, wore wrist monitors that tracked their exposure to sunshine in the mornings, for seven consecutive days. The participants also kept food journals in which they recorded what they ate and how many calories they consumed each day.

The results from the study showed that the participants who were exposed to more sunlight in the morning had lower BMIs (body mass indexes) than the individuals who got less exposure to sunlight in the a.m., regardless of age, activity levels or the foods they ate.

The Correlation Between Morning Light and Weight Loss

The researchers pointed to two possible reasons that individuals who got more morning sunlight exposure had lower BMIs than those who got less.

The first explanation is that being exposed to sunlight during the morning, instead of later in the day, helps synchronize your internal clock. This, in turn, contributes to a steady, healthy sleep cycle. In addition, there is a proven link between getting a good night’s sleep and maintaining a healthy weight. One reason this is true is that getting at least seven hours of sleep each night helps regulate the hormones that cause the sensation of hunger and helps individuals stay focused and preserve their willpower, so they make healthier food choices throughout the day.

The second reason that morning sunlight exposure might help individuals lose weight is related to the first reason: Morning sunlight has a larger amount of blue light; and blue light has the strongest effect on the body’s circadian rhythm, which, again, helps regulate physiological functions, including metabolism, allowing them to work as efficiently as possible during every 24-hour cycle.

How Much Sunlight Should You Get in the A.M.?

For the sun to have the desired effect on your body’s circadian rhythm, and therefore on your efforts to lose weight, you need about 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure between 8 a.m. and noon. You can compound the positive effects of morning sun exposure on weight loss efforts by exercising outside in the morning. This activates your metabolism earlier in the day so you burn more calories over the course of the day, and might motivate you to make healthier food choices throughout the day. If you cannot get a morning workout in, try to save a bit of time in the a.m. to enjoy a healthy breakfast or your cup of coffee outside. Make sure your face is pointing toward the sun. Your figure will thank you.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas to learn more about your weight loss surgery treatment options, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

What Is the “Paleo Diet”?

It seems as though everyone is talking about the “paleo” diet these days. You might be wondering what it is and if you could benefit from trying it. The answer is that, yes, the paleo diet might be beneficial for individuals who are trying to decrease their percentage of body fat. Let’s take a closer look at what it entails.

Eat Like a Caveman (or Woman)

“Paleo” refers to the Paleolithic era, otherwise known as the Old Stone Age. Thus, the paleo diet is based on the idea of eating as if one were living during the Paleolithic era. Given that our Stone Age ancestors were hunters and gatherers (and not farmers), this means eating only food items that could be hunted or found in nature (versus those that are farmed and / or processed). Basically, if a caveman did not have access to a certain type of food, individuals following the paleo diet will not eat it.

Foods That Are Allowed on the Paleo Diet

Individuals following the paleo diet eat:

  • Fish and other seafood
  • Grass-fed meats
  • Fresh veggies
  • Fresh fruits
  • Eggs
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Healthy oils, such as olive, coconut, avocado, flaxseed, walnut and macadamia

Foods That Are Not Allowed on the Paleo Diet

Those on the paleo diet do not eat:

  • Legumes (including peanuts)
  • Cereal grains
  • Dairy
  • Refined sugar
  • Potatoes
  • Processed foods
  • Foods high in salt content
  • Refined vegetable oils
  • Candy / junk food

The Philosophy Behind the Paleo Diet

In order to understand the philosophy behind the paleo diet, envision the timeline of humanity as a 12-month calendar. For the first 11.95 months, our human ancestors were hunters and gatherers. It is only in the past .05 months of the year that we have started farming. Farming has caused a dramatic transformation in our diets, which now include processed grains and dairy products, neither of which were part of our early ancestors’ diets. Adherers of the paleo diet posit that although our diet has changed as a result of agriculture, our genetics have not had time to adjust to the new diet; therefore, the human body still responds best to the type of diet our Stone Age ancestors followed.

Learn More About Healthy Living

For individuals recovering from bariatric surgery, following the paleo diet can be beneficial to their weight loss efforts. For more information about available bariatric surgery options, such as the Lap Band System or gastric bypass, contact Dr. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare. He will work with you to devise a weight loss surgical treatment plan, complete with nutritional counseling, to help you lose weight successfully and keep it off over the long run.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas to learn more about your weight loss surgery treatment options, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

What Is Obesity Exactly?

Have you been told that you suffer from “obesity,” yet no one has explained exactly what this term means? At Advanced Surgicare Clinic in Sydney, we believe that in order to lose excess weight and lead a healthier lifestyle, you must first understand the health condition you are trying to overcome: obesity. Here’s a look at what obesity is, how it is measured and how it affects your health.

Obesity, Defined

Obesity is a health condition characterized by having an excess of body fat. Specifically, someone who suffers from obesity is classified as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or more.

How Obesity Is Measured

Obesity is measured in various ways, but the two most common measurements of obesity are BMI and waist circumference.

BMI can be calculated by dividing your bodyweight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters squared). In general, an adult with a BMI of 30 or more suffers from obesity.

Waist circumference can be determined by wrapping a tape measure around your natural waist, the region below your rib cage and above your hip bone. An adult woman with a waist circumference of 89 centimeters or more has an unhealthy waist circumference. An adult man with a waist circumference of 102 or more has an unhealthy waist circumference.

How Obesity Affects Your Health

Suffering from obesity puts you at increased risk of developing certain related health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), type-2 diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, asthma, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, certain cancers (i.e., colon, endometrial, breast) and others.

Fortunately, losing excess weight with the help of bariatric surgery often resolves obesity-related health conditions.

If You Need Help Combating Obesity

Do not be ashamed to ask for help if you suffer from obesity. At Advanced Surgicare Clinic, compassionate bariatric surgeon Dr. V. Kuzinkovas is ready and happy to help. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas to learn more about your weight loss surgery treatment options, please contact Advanced Surgicare Clinic by calling 1300 551 533.