Kitchen Gadgets to Help You Eat Healthy After Weight Loss Surgery

When watching your caloric intake after bariatric surgery, it is best to cook your own meals instead of eating out or getting takeaway food. Having a few key kitchen gadgets can help you eat healthier, streamline your meal prep and enjoy your food!

Read on as Dr. V. Kuzinkovas, a weight loss surgeon in Sydney, suggests some helpful kitchen gadgets.Read More

Foods to Avoid after Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery involves reducing your stomach’s capacity so that you consume less food and fewer calories. Because your stomach will hold significantly less food after surgery, you must be picky with what you choose to eat. Also, eating certain foods can cause uncomfortable side effects, like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In this post, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare reveals some of the foods you should definitely avoid after weight loss surgery.Read More

Sticking to Your Diet and Exercise Routine While Traveling

Nothing can throw off your diet and exercise routine like traveling. Whether you’re on the road for business purposes or a leisurely family vacation, being out of your element can disrupt the weight loss progress you’ve made at home. However, with a little planning and discipline, you can maintain your healthy lifestyle habits.

In this month’s post, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare shares his best tips for sticking to a smart diet and exercise routine while traveling.Read More

Getting Your Diet and Exercise Routine Back on Track after the Holidays

It’s not uncommon to eat more and move less during the holiday season. If a schedule packed with parties, potlucks and other social gatherings tempted you to overindulge and ignore your normal diet and exercise routine, don’t worry. By making a few reasonable tweaks in your daily routine, you’ll be back on the path to a healthy lifestyle soon. Below, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare shares his best tips for getting back on track after the holidays.Read More

Foods That Seem Healthy But Aren’t

Back in January, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas and the team at Advanced Surgicare blogged about what makes a food item nutritious. To piggyback on that topic, the team thought we would reveal the truth about foods that may seem healthy, but actually aren’t. If you regularly consume any of these products, you may want to re-evaluate your choices!

Frozen Meals

Microwavable frozen meals are easy to prepare and convenient to pack for a workday lunch. They boast low calorie counts, which might sound great to a dieter, but they are also low in nutrients. And, frozen meals are packed with sodium. Instead of microwaving a frozen meal for lunch, opt for last night’s leftovers, or a salad.

“Light” Olive Oil

Have you been using light olive oil to sauté your veggies and proteins, believing it is lower in calories than regular olive oil? Unfortunately, the “light” moniker is misleading. “Light” refers to the color of the oil, not the number of calories. Both light and regular olive oil have the same amount of fat and calories. You can continue to use the oil in cooking and salad dressings, but don’t use more than necessary (one tablespoon is probably enough).

Bottled Green Juices

Bottled green juices plucked from the grocery store or smoothie bar may seem healthy, since they boast ingredients like spinach, apples and kale. However, bottled green juices are filled with sugar. If you prefer to consume your fruits and veggies in liquid form, mix up your own green juice at home, so you can control the ingredients and avoid the sugary extras. Or, if you like sipping on something sweet throughout the day, reach for a bottle of calorie-free sparkling water.

Pita Chips

Since pita chips are generally baked instead of fried, they may appear to be a healthier alternative to Lay’s potato chips or Doritos. Truthfully, many pita chips are made with enriched wheat flour, which is a refined grain lacking the nutrients found in whole-grain flour. Instead of reaching for a bag of pita chips to eat with your hummus, chop up some raw vegetables (e.g., celery, carrots, bell pepper) to dunk into the dip.

Yogurt-Covered Pretzels & Raisins

Yogurt doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Well, it’s not actually nutritious yogurt covering the pretzels or raisins. Think of it as a shelf-stable icing product made up of mostly sugar and oil (and “yogurt powder”). Enjoy this treat in moderation. Or, want a more diet-friendly choice? Mix plain raisins (nature’s candy!) into a bowl of high-fiber cereal and almonds, and add fresh fruit for a delectably sweet treat.

Final Thoughts

As a bariatric surgery patient, you must make substantial changes to your diet to lose weight and keep it off. Some of the foods listed may be prohibited in the first few weeks after surgery. These changes can seem overwhelming or confusing at first, but the Advanced Surgicare team has resources in place to help you make the transition successfully. We are happy to provide detailed nutrition information, and suggest smart meals and snacks for steady, sustainable weight loss.

For more information about post-bariatric dietary guidelines, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

The Simple Thing You Can Do in the Morning to Help You Lose Weight

You are probably familiar with the expression, “rise and shine.” Now, scientific evidence is taking this expression to a new level by suggesting that morning sun exposure can help individuals lose weight. Let’s explore the study findings.

About the Study

In a study recently conducted by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the United States, researchers explored how getting morning sun exposure affects weight loss efforts. The findings from the study were published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS ONE.

Fifty-four study participants, at an average age of 30 years old, wore wrist monitors that tracked their exposure to sunshine in the mornings, for seven consecutive days. The participants also kept food journals in which they recorded what they ate and how many calories they consumed each day.

The results from the study showed that the participants who were exposed to more sunlight in the morning had lower BMIs (body mass indexes) than the individuals who got less exposure to sunlight in the a.m., regardless of age, activity levels or the foods they ate.

The Correlation Between Morning Light and Weight Loss

The researchers pointed to two possible reasons that individuals who got more morning sunlight exposure had lower BMIs than those who got less.

The first explanation is that being exposed to sunlight during the morning, instead of later in the day, helps synchronize your internal clock. This, in turn, contributes to a steady, healthy sleep cycle. In addition, there is a proven link between getting a good night’s sleep and maintaining a healthy weight. One reason this is true is that getting at least seven hours of sleep each night helps regulate the hormones that cause the sensation of hunger and helps individuals stay focused and preserve their willpower, so they make healthier food choices throughout the day.

The second reason that morning sunlight exposure might help individuals lose weight is related to the first reason: Morning sunlight has a larger amount of blue light; and blue light has the strongest effect on the body’s circadian rhythm, which, again, helps regulate physiological functions, including metabolism, allowing them to work as efficiently as possible during every 24-hour cycle.

How Much Sunlight Should You Get in the A.M.?

For the sun to have the desired effect on your body’s circadian rhythm, and therefore on your efforts to lose weight, you need about 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure between 8 a.m. and noon. You can compound the positive effects of morning sun exposure on weight loss efforts by exercising outside in the morning. This activates your metabolism earlier in the day so you burn more calories over the course of the day, and might motivate you to make healthier food choices throughout the day. If you cannot get a morning workout in, try to save a bit of time in the a.m. to enjoy a healthy breakfast or your cup of coffee outside. Make sure your face is pointing toward the sun. Your figure will thank you.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas to learn more about your weight loss surgery treatment options, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

What Makes Something Nutritious?

Do you ever wonder why a plain white bagel, which has very little fat (1.5 grams) and is about 250 calories, is not considered to be a healthy food item while a 36-gram serving (¼ cup) of almonds, which has 18 grams of fat and is about 210 calories, is a healthier snack choice?

Here, Dr. V. Kuzinkovas and the team at Advanced Surgicare explain what makes a food item nutritious.

Our Nutritional Needs

Everybody needs certain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for their bodies to function properly. For instance, your body needs vitamin A to support growth, the immune system, vision and reproduction as well as vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone health. Your body also needs a certain amount of protein to build and maintain muscle mass. It even requires a small amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (i.e., “good” fats) to promote sound cardiovascular health.

By eating a wide variety of foods from each of the five food groups — whole grains, fruit and vegetables, protein, dairy, and fat and sugar — you should be able to get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs.

That being said, not all food groups are created equally. For instance, your body requires much more protein than it does mono and polyunsaturated fat. Therefore, to be healthy, you should eat more whole grains, vegetables and protein than you do dairy, fat and especially sugar.

In addition, every person’s nutritional needs are different, depending on his or her sex, height, body frame, metabolism, etc. Males tend to need more protein because they inherently have more muscle mass. Also, a very active adult male might need to consume 2,000 or more calories a day while a small, less active woman might only require 1,400 calories a day.

Good Nutrition = A Balanced Diet

No single food item contains all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs. For instance, a green bell pepper is a great source of vitamin C and contains some fiber, but it is not a good source of protein. So, a healthy eater might have some tofu with the green bell pepper to get the protein he needs. That same person needs a small amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to keep his heart healthy, so he might then eat a ¼ cup of almonds, which is a great source of good fats.

In this manner, the healthy eater consumes some of this and a little of that, from each of the five food groups, until he has eaten a well-balanced diet that has provided all the vitamins and nutrients he needs.

Why Certain Food Items Are Not Nutritious

Food items are not nutritious if they do not offer a significant amount of any of the vitamins, minerals or other nutrients that the body needs to function soundly. Furthermore, if a food item does not offer any nutritional value and contains high amounts of sugar, bad fats, salt, etc., it is unhealthier still.

Going back to the original example, although the plain white bagel does not contain much “bad” fat (i.e., trans and saturated fats), it also does not provide any needed nutrients; the bagel is simply a source of “empty” calories.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that nutritious foods are whole, unprocessed foods that offer some of the nutrients your body needs while containing very little or no sugar, trans fats, saturated fats, salt and other ingredients that can be harmful to the body when eaten in large amounts.

To eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you should stay away from refined and processed foods such as bagels; these items are usually devoid of any nutritional value. You should, however, eat a wide variety of natural, whole (unprocessed) foods from each of the five food groups, in the amounts recommended by your nutritionist or the Department of Health.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas to learn more about healthy eating and the surgical treatment options for individuals suffering from obesity, please contact Advanced Surgicare by calling 1 300 551 533.

Healthier Food Options to Satisfy a Sweet Tooth

Living a healthy lifestyle does not necessarily mean depriving yourself of all your cravings. However, it does involve making healthier food choices, eating smaller portions and limiting your salt, sugar and fat intake. The good news is that Mother Nature has equipped us with plenty of sweet treats that are fine to indulge in — in moderation (i.e., once or twice a week). Here are some healthier food options to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Baked Apple

This one is easy to make. Simply core an apple, place it in a baking dish with a bit of water on the bottom of the dish to keep the apple from sticking, and bake it in the oven at 177-degrees Celsius until the apple has collapsed slightly and is lightly browned.

You can even stuff the center of the apple with cinnamon, pecans, whole oats and a small dollop of honey, if you desire.

Dark Chocolate

The key with eating chocolate is to choose a dark chocolate with more than 70 percent cacao. The milk chocolate varieties are loaded with sugar and fat. In contrast, dark chocolate does not have as much fat and added sugar, so it is fine to eat some in moderation (i.e., one or two tiny squares). Also, dark chocolate is high in antioxidants and has been shown to help regulate levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Frozen Grapes

This is another extremely easy treat to prepare. Simply wash the grapes and pop them in the freezer for a few hours until they are frozen. Frozen grapes are sweet, extremely refreshing during the hot summer months and have an enticing texture. In addition, grapes contain resveratrol, which studies suggest may help promote blood vessel health and lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Chocolate-Avocado Pudding

This treat takes about 10 minutes to prepare. You will need the following ingredients to make two to four servings:

4 ripe avocados
1/4 cup light coconut milk
4 tablespoons unsweetened dark cocoa powder
3 tablespoons honey
50 grams of dark chocolate (72 percent or higher), melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt


Remove the avocados from the skin, pit them and place them in a food processor. Blend the avocados until combined and creamy. Add in all the remaining ingredients, blending until pureed, scraping down the sides when needed to combine. Taste the mixture and add additional seasonings (e.g., cinnamon) if desired. Blend for a good one or two minutes until the mixture is completely creamy.

Bon appétit!

To learn more about transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas by contacting Advanced Surgicare at 1300 551 533.

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Stay Active

At Advanced Surgicare Clinic, we understand that it can be hard to stay active, especially when you are just starting to make fitness a priority or after a long day at work. However, doing a manageable amount of exercise each day will help you stay healthy as well as provide other benefits such as helping you manage stress. With this in mind, here are three ways to motivate yourself to stay active.

Set Manageable Fitness Goals

If you are just starting out with your fitness goals, go slowly. You do not have to do 100 pushups immediately or run a marathon. Instead, set manageable fitness goals that you feel you can achieve and maintain. If you set unrealistic goals off the bat, you will only end up feeling discouraged.

For instance, take a 10-minute walk each day or take the parking spot that is farthest away from the door when you are grocery shopping. Add a small amount of incidentalexercise into your daily routine, build on it each week and before you know it — you will achieve significant progress.

Make Fitness Fun While Enjoying the Scenery

When exercising, it is important to choose activities that you find fun! The time really does fly by when you are having fun and are focusing on the beautiful or interesting scenery around you.

For example, go for a hike while enjoying your natural surroundings. Other ideas include taking your dog for a walk on the beach, swimming in the ocean or playing with your children in the yard. You can also participate in various charity fun run / walk activities in the city or countryside. These events usually attract thousands of people, provide a fantastic atmosphere and are extremely motivating in that seeing other people in excellent spirits who are doing their best to stay healthy tends to inspire others to do the same.

Reward Yourself for a Job Well Done

Once you have reached a fitness goal (no matter how small), reward yourself — just not with food. Instead, treat yourself to new clothes, a date with your favorite friend, a massage, a hot bath or simply quiet time with a book. Choose a reward that is meaningful to you, but that does not impede your healthy lifestyle.

Making Fitness a Part of Life

By starting small, making fitness fun and treating yourself to a well-deserved reward when you have attained your goals, staying active will soon become a permanent part of your life.

To learn more about transitioning to a healthy lifestyle, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Kuzinkovas by contacting Advanced Surgicare Clinic at 1300 551 533.