How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Decreases the “Hunger Hormone” for Major Weight Loss

Gastric sleeve surgery not only reduces the stomach size by about 70% but also affects the production of the “hunger hormone” called ghrelin. Lower levels of ghrelin make it easier for bariatric surgery patients to control their food intake and reduces hunger sensations between meals. The combination of a smaller stomach and less ghrelin helps patients manage their appetite and trade poor eating habits for more nutrient-dense meals and a healthier lifestyle. Dr V. Kuzinkovas has helped countless people struggling with obesity take control of their health and lose their excess weight with sleeve gastrectomy.

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What Are Your Weight Loss Surgery Options? Comparing Obesity Procedures

Bariatric surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure; there are several types of weight loss surgery, and the right one for your needs depends on several factors, such as your current body mass index (BMI) and overall health. The most common procedures offered by Dr V Kuzinkovas at Advanced Surgicare include lap band surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass. Our certified bariatric surgeon in Sydney discusses the candidacy requirements, procedure details, and results of each bariatric surgery below. 

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Surgeries for Obesity: Which of These Can Give You Back Your Life?

You can reach a healthy body size and lengthen your lifespan through weight loss surgery combined with good nutrition and regular exercise. Dr V. Kuzinkovas provides the highest quality surgical services to address obesity through various procedures. He believes every patient should be treated with compassion, dignity and looks forward to helping you determine the best surgery for your weight loss needs. 

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What Patients Wish They Had Known Before Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery is all about looking forward — to a new life, a new shape and the freedom that comes with lower weight and greater confidence. But second-guessing can also be part of the process. What could I have done differently to prepare for the day of surgery, or the weeks after? Was I ready for dramatic change, or had I become comfortable with my sedentary lifestyle and massive appetite?Read More

Gastric Sleeve Surgery FAQs

Hurstville weight loss surgeon Dr. V. Kuzinkovas of Advanced Surgicare offers several bariatric surgery options for obese patients, including gastric sleeve surgery. This is one of the newest forms of weight loss surgery and is usually suitable for patients who are not appropriate candidates for other procedures. If you are considering undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, take the time to familiarize yourself with the procedure. In this blog post, Dr. Kuzinkovas answers frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve surgery.Read More